Monday, January 19, 2009

A List of Things to Remember When Moving House

Moving house can be a particularly stressful and busy period in one’s life. There are so many things that need to be taken care of and it’s no wonder that people forget even the most obvious, such as letting people know your change of address.
SAHometraders has compiled a list of the 10 most important people and service providers who need to know that you’ve moved home:

1. Inform your utility providers

* If you have DSTV then it’s important to let your provider know your change of address. The same applies if you have a landline and hold an account with Telkom. Your water, electricity and gas providers need to be aware of your new address so that you don’t have the hassle of being billed in the wrong place and then generating unnecessary debt.

2. Let your insurance company know

* We live in a day and age when crime is rife; the unexpected is always possible and consequently we need to insure all of our property, including our home. When you move to a new address, you need to alert your health, car, house and life insurance provider of the change in living situation.

3. Alert medical and dental professionals

* Many individuals and families make use of a private doctor and dentist, which means that they will need your new address to update the details that they already have on file.

4. Make other professional service providers aware

* Do you have an insurance broker, lawyer or chartered accountant that deals with you personally? It’s professional courtesy to alert these service providers about your current home address, in case they need to send you any important correspondence in the future.

5. Government officials should be informed

* If you are a member of the local library or have a personal box at the post office then it’s important that you let the relevant people know about your new address.
* More importantly though, you should advise the South African Revenue Service (SARS) of your current situation, as it’s necessary for their files to be as up to date as possible.

6. Change all your business accounts

* Everyone has a bank account, so the first logical step would be to inform your banking institution of your recent change in address. Most banks require a utility bill or a copy of the deed of sale or lease agreement as proof of address, so it might help to keep this in mind.
* Considering that everyone has a cell phone these days, it would also be wise to let your cell phone service provider know your new address, so that there isn’t any mix up with the billing each month.
* Think about whether you have an account with a service station, chemist, laundry or any other retailer and then let them know you’re in the process of moving house or have moved to a new address.

7. Do you belong to any clubs?

* With society more and more focused on leading a healthy lifestyle, it’s not unusual for individuals, couples or families to take out a gym membership at any one of the many clubs around the country. It would serve you well to let your gym know that you’ll be moving and see whether it can be arranged to transfer your membership to a closer branch if necessary.


8. Update all of your subscriptions

* For the sake of convenience, many people choose to take out subscriptions on magazines, newspapers and other related media sources, so it would a good idea to inform the various subscriptions of your new address. This way, you won’t have to miss getting your favourite daily newspaper or magazine.


9. Inform your business associates

* When your business relies on associates being able to find you at home then it would certainly be courteous to let them know of any change in address.
* This also applies to your children’s school, which is particularly important in case there is some kind of emergency and they are unable to get hold of you telephonically.

10. Keep friends and relatives up-to-date

* Last, but certainly not least, your friends and relatives should be informed of your new whereabouts, particularly when it comes to those overseas who send Christmas and Birthday cards each year. Remember to let them know any change in home phone number as well.

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